Brežice Youth Centre (MC Brežice)



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Established in 1997, the public institution Brežice Youth Centre (Mladinski center Brežice or MC Brežice) presents a regular programme of educational and cultural activities for the the younger and also general population. Their public-interest activities consist of Cultural Events, Non-formal Education, an Information Centre, International Programmes, and a Programme for Children and Youth. The community oriented centre prepares concerts, stage performances, readings, lectures, and workshops. The centre also runs an economics and business education programme (PosIP) and a young activists programme. MC Brežice has developed an international centre for informal education, combining a Youth Centre with a medium-sized Youth Hostel.

Regional and international cooperation

Brežice Youth Centre established a multimedia centre and forms a part of the M3C Multimedia Centres Network of Slovenia, and covers the region in South-east Slovenia, along with Multimedia Centre of Dolenjska (MCD) within the framework of Lokalpatriot in Novo mesto and Posavje Multimedia Centre in Krško. It participates as one of the venues in the Klubski maraton (Radio Študent).

The centre encourages cooperation in the youth sector with other European countries. It serves as a support and information service about the European Voluntary Service (EVS) programme and also informs future students on programmes like Leonardo da Vinci, Erasmus, Socrates, and Youth in Action.

See also

External links

Mladinski center Brežice +
45.902 +
Mladinski center Brežice +
15.595 +
SI-8250 Brežice +
Gubčeva 10a +
Established in 1997, the public institutioEstablished in 1997, the public institution Brežice Youth Centre (Mladinski center Brežice or MC Brežice) presents a regular programme of educational and cultural activities for the the younger and also general population.e the younger and also general population. +
Established in 1997, the public institution Brežice Youth Centre (Mladinski center Brežice or MC Brežice) presents a regular programme of educational and cultural activities for the the younger and also general population. +
+386 / 5 908 3790 +
Brežice +
SI-8250 +
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